Chris Domas: The 1s and 0s behind cyber warfare

Chris Domas is a cybersecurity researcher, operating on what's become a new front of war, "cyber." In this engaging talk, he shows how researchers use pattern recognition and reverse engineering...

This is a lot of ones and zeros.It's what we call binary information.This is how computers talk.It's how they store information.It's how computers think.It's how computers doeverything it is that computers do.I'm a cybersecurity researcher,which means my job is to sit down with this informationand try to make sense of it,to try to understand what all the ones and zeroes mean.Unfortunately for me, we're not just talkingabout the ones and zeros I have on the screen here.We're not just talking about a few pages of ones and zeros.We're talking about billions and billionsof ones and zeros,more than anyone could possibly comprehend.Now, as exciting as that sounds,when I first started doing cyber —(Laughter...
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